- We need to have a bootable iso that automatically starts some kind of testing. In this case I decided to use memtest.iso (http://www.memtest.org/#downiso).You need to download the iso image.
- Using virtual center client, select the ESX host ,Browse local datastore and then upload the iso file.
- Now we need to deploy a VM. I decided to deploy in custom so that I don't have to select virtual disk and network card. This VM will be used to clone additional VMs. Lets name it "host1-vm-1"
- After creating the VM, attach memtest.iso from local datastore. You can power it on.
The below section use PowerCli to create clone multiple VMs.
- If you don't have it installed , install powercli from vmware.com site.
- Launch Powercli from desktop icon and then use "connect-viserver <VirtualCenter server name>
- Use the below command to create multiple VMs and power it on.
for ($i=2;$i -le 20;$i++){New-VM -Name host1-vm1-$i -VM (Get-VM host1-vm-1) -VMHost (Get-VMHost host1) -Datastore host1_local;start-vm -vm host-vm-$i -confirm:$false}
PS: assuming your host name is 'host1', first vm is vm1 and local datastore is 'host1_local'
Good Luck!